188 x 132 cm
Egg Tempera and color pencil on linen

209 x 135 cm
Egg Tempera and color pencil on linen

195 x 140 cm
Egg Tempera and color pencil on linen

128x92 cm
Gouache and color pencil on paper

32 x 46 e/o
Gouache and color pencil on paper
Photos taken by Ramiro Chaves
Press-release text:
‘Painting Problems’ proposes a painting show within the spaces of Bikini Wax. To paint is a problem: of size, colors and materials. It’s an image problem: you have to erase it all, and start all over again.
Bikini Wax is also a problem. In spite of the good vibe, there’s dirt, sweat and a few light.
And things. Lots of things. In a place where artworks must deal with elements of daily life and all kinds of conditions, the canvas are faced with museografical problems that are evident. So… How to show paintings in a place usually fit for gestures?
Painting problems looking for solutions, maybe a vision, or the recourse to a specific way of mounting.
We will see what results of the problems and eventually, we will see what will be the consequences… In Bikini Wax, painting problems are also living problems.
E.L.M, 2015