The Power of the Fragile (Radio Painting #1)
by Elsa-Louise Manceaux
Assistant of production and edition: Sébastien Roussi
Animation: Paula Mercado
Sound design: Enrique Arriaga
Technical help: Para()axis
Translation to Spanish: Hellène Aligant
Traduction to English: Nathalie Bourgeois
Production: Pequod Co. y Elsa-Louise Manceaux
Original podcast: Radio France Culture, Le Temps du Débat, episode 45
(Les termes du débat: Émancipation), presented by Emmanuel Laurentin with François Cusset and Catherine Larrère, originally broadcasted on February 3rd 2023.
Special Thanks: Sébastien Roussi, Paula Mercado, Enrique Arriaga, Ollin Miranda, Benjamin Installe, Sébastien Capouet, Isaac Olvera, Andrea Valencia, Carlos Amorales, Carolina Fusilier, Javier Villanueva, Thalia Stefaniuk, Lili Rebeka Toth, Caroline Tribut, Daniela de la Torre, Marcel Berlanger, Isabelle Wery, Madeline Jímenez, Anne Demeneix, Leo Marz,
François Manceaux, Mau Galguera, María Garcia Saenz, Montserrat Errado, Diana Mariani, Hellène Alligant, Nathalie Bourgeois, Ouriel Ellert, Zoé Sfez, Gerardo Contreras, Erik Balderrama.
Presented for the first time in the context of the exhibition ‘Qualities’Times’ at Pequod Co. , from the 5th of February to the 23rd of March 2024.